Kennedy, Sheila Suess and David Schultz. “American Public Service: Constitutional and Ethical Foundations.” Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010.
Merritt, Cullen and Sheila S. Kennedy, “The Civic Dimension of School Voucher Programs.” Public Integrity (2018)
Kennedy, Sheila S. “Electoral Integrity: How Gerrymandering Matters.” Journal of Public Integrity (September, 2016)

Kennedy, Sheila S. “Is Low Civic Literacy a Wicked Problem?” eJournal of Public Affairs Vol. 4, #3 (2015).
Dusso, A. and S. S. Kennedy. "Does Ignorance Matter? The Relative Importance of Civic Knowledge and the Human Tendency to Engage in Motivated Reasoning." Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs 1(1):59-72. (2015)
Kennedy, Sheila Suess. “Civic Literacy and Ethical Public Service: An Under-Appreciated Nexus” Journal of Public Integrity. Vol. 15, #4 (2013)