2020 Spring Conference

Improving U.S. Competitiveness

The U.S. manufacturing sector has long provided economic benefits to the nation in terms of job creation, innovation, and value chains. But 21st century trends—in globalization and automation—have led some to question its capacity to continue in this role.

The IU Manufacturing Policy Initiative, in partnership with the Hudson Institute, organized a spring 2020 conference, to bring together leading thinkers to identify concerning trends and discuss policies that will enable domestic manufacturing to remain internationally competitive. The conference was postponed due to the emerging pandemic.

Four academic papers from noted experts were commissioned for this conference. Taken together, these four papers describe weaknesses in U.S. manufacturing capabilities and identify specific policies to improve U.S. competitiveness.


On April 22, 2020, Hudson Institute and MPI took an inside look at how U.S. firms and supportive institutions are thinking about long-term changes in global supply chains amid a global pandemic and into the future. 

Description of the video:

Contact MPI for a transcript.

In partnership between the Hudson Institute and the IU O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs.