We help leaders make smarter decisions

We produce research and analysis that show you the way.

Our clients in government, business, and the nonprofit sector use our work to solve problems, seize opportunities, and improve life in Indiana and beyond.

News & media

The Indiana University Public Policy Institute’s Center for Civic Literacy is helping Hoosier voters better understand key policy issues and potential solutions through its Decision 2024: Your Voices, Your Future series. PPI’s final three of seven reports examine healthcare in Indiana, how communities can become more resilient to adversity, and the reasons for and implications of lack of confidence in public institutions.

Ahead of Election Day, candidates for governor in Indiana are focusing on the state’s economy and future. Economic growth in Indiana relies on preparing Hoosiers to meet current and future workforce demands, while also addressing economic weaknesses highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our latest research and policy briefs

Paul H. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs Professor Beth Gazely collaborated with the IU Public Policy Institute (PPI) to prepare a policy brief investigating what kinds of organizations respond to local disasters in Indiana and to what extent they engage in risk reduction to adapt to climate change. It includes an examination of attitudes and behaviors to understand how thinking about climate change may predict an organization’s success in disaster planning.

Our research focus areas

Analyze the impact of community development, housing, infrastructure, and land use policies and initiatives across the state of Indiana. Assess the monetary, social, and cultural effects of economic/community development initiatives on local residents and the broader city/regional community.

Examine approaches and outcomes related to criminal justice and public safety across Indiana. Conduct research on issues impacting people who are incarcerated as well as initiatives designed to support their reentry into society upon release.

Analyze community-relevant research about disparities in socioeconomic status and access to opportunities and resources that relate to quality of life. Our goal is to provide actionable insights that improve approaches and outcomes for public, private, and nonprofit organizations working to resolve these disparities.

Track indicators and uncover insights that inform policy and improve quality of life for Hoosiers at every life stage.

Conduct research that assesses effectiveness and impact of partnerships among private, public, and nonprofit organizations. Leverage our expertise to identify challenges and opportunities and apply relevant models/frameworks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the direct and indirect effects on a variety of stakeholders.

Analyze motivations, trends, and impact of philanthropic giving by individual donors, foundations, and charitable organizations, as well as the efficacy and impact of grant-funded programs and initiatives.

Leverage our extensive knowledge of local and state government, taxes, and finance and our expertise in evaluating policies in these areas to provide actionable insights that guide policy decisions which move Indiana forward.

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